Rata Foundation



River of Flowers

We aim to continue to support the Canterbury Earthquake Anniversaries and are keen to commemorate the 15th anniversary on 22nd Feb 2026.

Mel Banfield Design

​​Our Papatūānuku - The Inaugural Aotearoa National “Our Papatūānuku” Competition (launched on Mother’s Day 2022) gives youth an opportunity to express their love and concerns for Mother Earth and the environment through mixed media, illustration, graphic art, poetry, and letter.

The 2022 entries are beautiful, thought-provoking, and a testament to the younger generation's deep awareness of our climate crisis. Join in on Facebook.

... IN RECESS ...

Eastern Rising FB

​​Rubbish Talk  is about getting better at recycling and reducing our vast waste problem. Once we know the recycling rules, it’s a pretty low-fuss habit to put into our household routine.

Over 2022 we
worked closely with waste experts to look at (Christchurch, Selwyn and Waimakariri) region, who is doing what and how you can get involved and better at reducing waste. Like and learn on Facebook.

​Environmental Wellbeing 

​Top 10 Tips 4 Climate

It's hard to know where to start or what we each can do to address climate change. So we have come up with our 10 top tips to help each of us do this together. We have collated a lot on info, ideas and action - so there is something that each of us can do to take that next step.

Make a start Climate Resources

Rubbish Talk

Sharing education and local information to help our communities adopt more sustainable behaviours and reduce waste at a household level. ​​​

​See our Rubbish Talk Page and our Reduce Waste Top Tip.

Deep Water - Centre for Peace, Justice and Ecology

Rata Foundation
Rata Foundation



  A social enterprise for innovative

community and environmental

wellbeing initiatives​.

Check out our Facebook page!​

​​​"A Climate for Change" is about raising awareness of climate breakdown impact and more, We will tell the local stories of those who are creating solutions we can all get behind, and inspire people to take simple actions in our own backyards across all of East Canterbury.. If you are a part of the story get in contact with us.. Check out the Project's hundreds of Tips to get into action, see our resources and follow us on Facebook.​​​ 

Me te mihi nui mo a koutou manaakitanga. With utmost respect and thanks to our key collaborators, funders and supporters.  

We collaborate a lot - it's core to our mahi! 

​​2022 Kumara Award Winner

for our Regenerative Communities Pilot.

Te Hapū O Ngāti Wheke (Rāpaki) Rūnanga

Regen Evol Group

​​River of Flowers  was created as a community commemoration for the first February 22nd anniversary of the devastating Christchurch earthquake. It has since been held across Canterbury waterways every anniversary since. 

River of Flowers has become an important and essential community wellbeing event in our city's recovery story.

Check out the history, including the 5th Anniversary Bloom Exhibition, on our River of FlowersPage.

​​Life Pack - Kete Ora  is an innovative initiative started during Lockdown by Flourish Kia Pūawai and some key supporters.

Created to protect and improve whanau wellbeing, this special tool is about to go through testing and development.

Check out all about it on our Life Pack Page

Walk For The Planet

​​The Good Home  started as a pilot eco-shop 'The Good Shop' in New Brighton, Christchurch. An opportunity to learn what consumers wanted to purchase, wanted to learn and support a network of mostly mum makers. Check out our success in only a four month period in Programmes page! 

For now The Good Shop community is The Good Home on Facebook where we continue to share everything eco and changing our lifestyles to be good for the planet and good for our health. Like on Facebook.

Rata Foundation
TheGoodShop FB
Good Vibes FB

​​​​​​Regenerative Communities is an exploration of how we co-create better, more resilient communities with caring for the environment. So we have an amazing two-year  Action Research Pilot based in a Tiny Forest on the Heathcote/Opawaho River.

Join us on Facebook and find out more on the Pilot here.

What's up?

In Recess

​ With much sadness we have had to go into recess due to lack of funder support.

​We will keep this website up for some time as there is a lot of rich information here.

​A huge thank you to all those that have supported us over the last five years.

Life Pack FB

​​Happy People-Healthy Planet 

​​Spot Light

Our Regenerative Communities Pilot

in the Tiny Forest, King George V Reserve - has just won a Placemaking Aotearoa Kumara Award!

​You can also find our final research report on this page.

​​Waikuku Community Exchange  is a brand new initiative started in early 2021 by Flourish Kia Pūawai with some key supporters. Created to strengthen resilience & wellbeing in coastal Waikuku, this special project is community-led. A community event kick-started the project and the report can be read here: Waikuku CE Report April 2021 F.pdf

If you are local to Waikuku join the Facebook Group!